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10 games that help develop self-esteem in babies

Updated: Dec 18, 2023


Children are naturally curious but can't explore the world independently until they develop a certain level of self-confidence. This milestone happens earlier in some children than others and depends on age and other factors like parental involvement, physical strength, and motor skills. Fortunately, plenty of games can help your baby start developing self-esteem right away. Learn why developing self-esteem in babies up to 12 months old is essential — you must know where to look! Here's our top ten list:

Baby mirror

  • Baby mirror: A baby mirror is a great way to help your baby develop self-esteem. It's also a fun toy for you and your little one. This will allow them to see themselves and make them more aware of how they look in front of others.

  • Mirroring: If you want to give your child something else that will help them develop their sense of self-esteem, then it may be best if you start doing this early with them by mirroring their actions or expressions when interacting with others during social situations. This can help reinforce their self-confidence by allowing them to see themselves through the eyes of another person who values what they have done or said during these interactions.

Reading to your baby

Reading to your baby can help develop their cognitive, language, and emotional skills and foster a positive sense of self-esteem. Even if they can't understand the words, looking at pictures and hearing the sound of your voice can stimulate visual and auditory development. Reading to your baby can also be a bonding experience, expose them to new emotions and situations, and help develop empathy. Reading to your baby can also foster a sense of security, trust, and emotional well-being, which can build positive self-esteem.

It's important to remember that reading to your baby should be a playful and interactive experience. Be expressive when you read, use different voices for different characters, and encourage your baby to touch and explore the book.


One of the most well-known games for babies is pat-a-cake. It involves clapping, patting, and shaking hands to a patterned rhyme. The game helps develop rhythm and hand-eye coordination in babies.


Babies learn a lot by observing and imitating the people around them. So, it is essential to allow them to watch and imitate simple actions, like clapping hands, blowing kisses, and making silly sounds.

One way to incorporate imitation as a "game" for babies is to model simple actions and encourage them to copy you. For example, you can clap your hands and wait for your baby to copy the action or make a silly sound and wait for them to mimic it. You can also use toys or everyday objects to model actions, such as shaking a rattle or stacking blocks.

Another way to make imitation a game is to use a fun and playful tone, making it a fun experience for you and your baby. You can also make it interactive by waiting for them to imitate you before you respond. This will help them learn cause and effect and encourage them to participate more.

It's important to remember that babies develop at different rates and may be unable to imitate all actions immediately. Be patient and encouraging, and always ensure your baby's imitation activities are age-appropriate and safe.

Building blocks of praise

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in the development of self-esteem and confidence. When you praise your child for good behavior, he learns that he can control his behavior positively. When you praise him for something he did well or attempt something new, it encourages him to take risks and try new things (even if those things are difficult).

Praising the baby for trying something new that he found difficult helps the baby understand that failure is not the end of the world but rather an essential step to success!

Singing and talking with your baby

It is a fun way to bond with your baby and help develop self-esteem. Singing and talking to your baby is a great way to teach them communication skills, but it is also a game that builds self-esteem in babies up to 12 months old.

Catching a toy

  • Give the baby a toy to hold.

  • Throw the toy toward the baby, and let them go after it.

  • Watch as they try to catch it! It may not be successful initially, but that's okay—it's still practice for them! The key here is that you're showing your child it's okay when things don't work out immediately. A big part of developing self-esteem is learning how to deal with failure—and this game allows little ones to figure out what happens when things don't turn out exactly as planned.

Heads up!

Heads Up! is a simple game that involves throwing a small ball to a baby and encouraging them to catch it. This helps the baby learn how to follow moving targets with their eyes, which is an essential skill for improving vision in both adults and children. It also teaches babies that they can be successful at something—catching the ball every time, even if it takes several tries.

This game encourages self-esteem by showing the child they can do something difficult, yet rewarding. If you mess up on your first try, no big deal! Try again! You’re going to get this eventually! Even if you don’t feel confident in yourself right now, remember: practice makes perfect!

Such a good audience!

This is an excellent game for you and your baby to play together. It helps them develop self-esteem by giving them praise and attention when they do something good. This can be as simple as playing peekaboo or as involved as lying on the floor with them and letting them crawl around.

To play this game, first, decide what you want to praise your child for doing. An excellent place to start is by praising them when they manage to put something in their mouth or when they smile at you!

Then sit down next to your baby with whatever toys/objects are available in front of you (it could be anything!) and start playing with them while also saying what they did right out loud so that they know precisely why you're giving praise!

Ring around the baby (lying down)

  • Get a baby’s favorite toy, like a rattle or stuffed animal. Make sure it's safe for them to play with. If you don't know, check the packaging and make sure all parts are securely attached. You want to be able to shake the toy without fear of it falling apart in your hands!

  • Play some music and sing “Ring Around the Rosie” while slowly moving the ring around in a circle around your baby (lying down). As they notice something happening above their head, they will turn their head toward where they think this “ring” is going. This helps strengthen eye-tracking skills which will help them focus on things later on when learning new tasks such as reading or writing letters in preschool--or any time at home for that matter!


We hope this list of games has helped you think of ways to foster your child’s self-esteem as they grow up. Remember that even the smallest gestures can go a long way toward building confidence in your baby or toddler. From praising them when they do something well, praising other children, and helping them feel better about themselves, these games are great for giving kids the boost they need to keep learning and growing.


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